Azure Mines Wikia
Mining Operation
Produces gold coins. Unlocks new pickaxes when upgraded.
Total Upgrade Cost:
300,000 Stone Icon 4004 Itemiron 913 Silvericon 95 Itembar 1501 Diamond Icon 85 AzureOreIcon 23 Coalicon 5 Itemserend 275 Itemuo 1 Itemur 9 PlutoniumIcon 1 Itemruby 1 SapphireIcon 1 Itemopal 300 Itememerald 350 Itemdragon 10 Rainboniteicon 1400 Itempain 100 Platinumicon 50 Mithril Icon 2

To the right is an infobox replica which is to be used on all base station pages - TheWIkiaEditMachine


Mining Operations (Mining Op, or Mining Ops) is one of the stations on Azure Mines which produces gold coins which you use to upgrade other stations and purchase items from the Marketplace. Upgrading this unlocks additional pickaxes to craft. But, there is a glitch to bypass this. You can still craft the pickaxe, but you need the required ores to make it. Just keep clicking the locked pickaxes until you craft it. This is an important station which will be repaired in the tutorial.

Level Coin/15s Upgrade Cost Pickaxes Unlocked
In Ruins - - Stone Icon
1 2 1 Itemiron 3 Coalicon Itemiron
2 5 3 Itemiron 3 Silvericon 5 Coalicon Itememerald
3 9 20 Itemiron 15 Silvericon 15 Coalicon Itemgold
4 13 40 Itemiron 35 Silvericon 1 Itemruby 1 SapphireIcon Diamond Icon
5 18 50 Itemiron 40 Silvericon 1 Diamond Icon Itemopal Itemdragon
6 23 90 Itemiron 70 Silvericon 1 Itemur Itemur, Gilded Itemgold
7 28 100 Silvericon 150 Itemiron 1 PlutoniumIcon Itemmoon
8 34 150 Silvericon 200 Itemiron 3 PlutoniumIcon 1 Itemopal -
9 40 200 Silvericon 300 Itemiron 5 PlutoniumIcon Platinumicon
10 45 400 Itemiron 300 Silvericon 1 AzureOreIcon BoomiteIcon , Garnet
11 51 500 Itemiron 15 ItembarAzureOreIcon 5 Itemuo Itemamy
12 58 750 Itemiron 30 Itembar 3 AzureOreIcon 10 Itemuo AzureOreIcon Itempain
13 64 900 Itemiron 50 Itembar 5 Itemserend 15 Itemuo Mithril Icon 2
14 71 1000 Itemiron 100000 Stone Icon 10 AzureOreIcon 20 Itemuo Itemserend
15 77 200000 Stone Icon 100 Diamond Icon 20 AzureOreIcon 25 Itemuo Newtoniumicon
16 84 200 Diamond Icon 50 Itempain 30 Itemuo 10 Rainboniteicon -
17 91 300 Diamond Icon 100 Itemdragon 100 Itempain 35 Itemuo -
18 98 400 Diamond Icon 250 Itemdragon 250 Itempain 40 Itemuo -
19 105 500 Diamond Icon 300 Itememerald 50 Mithril Icon 2 45 Itemuo -
20 112 100 Platinumicon 50 AzureOreIcon 1000 Itempain 50 Itemuo -